Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them. Filling an emptiness we didn't even know we had. {Thom Jones}
"Gage" "Ham" Mr. "B"
Being hugged by his new best friend "Giving lots of kisses"
I love my Lily Bug...... Kolby Give me some sugar !
" BOSCO" I am the princess... All dressed up!
"Peek- a- boo" Chloe Lovin' the icing
Dylan riding with his favorite puppies Look no tan lines.......
Love that face...... "Sisters forever"
"What a life" Oh! What a night.... " B.B.G." "Babies Bodyguard"
Tickle me Elmo! " Just a chillin" "Ham bone"
Playing hairdresser. "Cute pony tail Titan" Titan's doggie fedish
Nuttin' better than summer fun..... "Best Buds"
Rub-,A- Dub "Is that Molly in the tub" Loving on my baby!
Come on "Harley" Lets ride.... "Double the fun....."
Watching Barney with my baby brother...